
Wellbeing on Tap

A workplace that supports good mental and physical health is a productive workplace.

Master Plumbers and Masterlink have developed Wellbeing on Tap to help maintain good health.

Mental health influences our feelings, thoughts, and actions as we deal with life’s ups and downs. It affects how we handle stress, relate to others, make decisions, and go about our daily lives.

Looking after our mental and physical health is important at every stage of life. Wellbeing on Tap focuses on the five pillars of wellbeing:

Find out more at Master Plumbers Wellbeing on Tap

Wellbeing on Tap Pillar icons_Set
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Proud Partner - MATES in Construction

Masterlink and Master Plumbers are delighted to announce a partnership with MATES in Construction. 

MATES in Construction has one simple but hugely ambitious aim – to reduce the number of lives lost to suicide in the construction industry. In 2019, construction had the highest male suicide rate for any occupational group.

MATES in Construction Four Pillars

  • Informing industry through research
  • Raising awareness
  • Connecting to help
  • Creating resilient and stronger worksites


MATES in Construction has excellent resources available to download on their website, including videos, toolkits and information sheets: https://mates.net.nz/get-help/resources/

FREE Counselling for Te Pūkenga ākonga/students

All apprentices signed through Te Pūkenga can access free, confidential counselling sessions via Vitae. This service provides apprentices with the opportunity to connect with a professional counsellor at no cost, using either the 0800 number or the online referral form to choose a counsellor and book an appointment that works for them.

Freephone 0508 664 981 for 24/7 access
Web For more information please visit vitae.co.nz
Book an appointment here

Need help now?

Please phone the MATES in Construction 24/7 Helpline 0800 111 315.

In an emergency please phone 111 if you think you or someone else is at risk of harm.

Escort the person to the nearest hospital emergency department,
or phone your local DHB Mental Health Crisis team,
or visit www.mentalhealth.org.nz/get-help/in-crisis

Free phone or text 1737 to communicate immediately with a counsellor.